Scranton Parking

We are now offering FREE Electric Vehicle charging in the following garages:
- Medallion (Ground Level)
- Casey (2nd Level)
- Connell (3rd Level)
- Linden (Ground Level)
Please use the parking space while charging only.
See display on the unit screen for charging instructions.
Scranton Parking Information
At Park Scranton, our staff is committed to providing the highest level of service for all who work, visit, live and enjoy downtown Scranton. Our goal is to make it easy to find your on street space and then get on with enjoying all that downtown Scranton has to offer.
Hours of Operation:
- Parking Office Hours are 8 AM to 5 PM
- Parking Office is located at 140 Adams Avenue Scranton, PA 18503
- Garage Parking availibility is 24/7, with the exception of The Marketplace at Steamtown Garage which is only open during mall hours of 10 AM to 9 PM
- Meter Parking is enforced from 8 AM to 5 PM every day. There is no enforcement on the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day
Garage Parking Rates:
Hourly Rates
Monday to Sunday
- Park for up to 10 hours at a rate of $1.00 per hour.
- Park for up to 24 hours at a maximum rate of $15.00.
- Lost ticket fee is $22.00
Special Events Rate
- Flat Fee of $6.00
Monthly Rates
- Standard rate is $92 per month
- Reserved rate is $122 per month
To pay your monthly parking invoice please click here.
Downtown Residential Program
Residents of downtown will be offered a discounted rate of $74.00 per month. This rate is limited to the Casey, Electric City and Linden Garages, with parking on the upper levels. Residents can enroll online for parking at these locations by clicking here. During the online registration process you will be required to upload proof of residency (such as a utility bill) to receive the Residential rate. Please call the parking office for assistance if needed.On Street Parking Rates:
On Street Metered Rates
Park for up to 2 hours at on-street meters.
- $0.50 cents for up to 15 minutes of parking
- $2.00 for up to 1 hour of parking
- On select blocks within downtown we offer a $3.25 rate for all day parking from 8 AM to 5 PM.
PANGO parking only on the following blocks:
- 700 Clay
- 300 Franklin
- 400 Franklin
- 100 Linden
- 400 Mifflin
- 200 Mulberry
- 200 Vine
On select blocks with-in downtown we will offer a $3.25 rate for all day parking from 8am-5pm.
For more information and to download The Pango App go to Please note Pango will be charging a $.25 convenience fee.
Click here to Pay your violation
Disputing a Violation
Ticket violations can be disputed online only. Click here to dispute your violation.
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding City of Scranton parking, please contact: